Thursday 12 April 2012

I'm amazed the debate wasn't done over Tea and Crumpets

Last Night, I decided to go and take in the Fort McMurray - Wood Buffalo candidates debate in the 2012 Alberta Election and boy, was it ever a hootenanny.... no, it was beyond tame, it was exactly how the title of this silly blog states.  I could imagine Guy Boutilier, of the Wildrose Party (WRP) and Mike Allen, of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (PCAA) sitting in a fancy lounge holding this debate

First thing, I'd like to clearly state how disappointed I am that the neither the NDP nor Liberal's had a representative at the debate.  Did they just not show up?, Were they not invited?,  I understand it is a two horse race but it doesn't exactly encourage growth for either party and leaves the left wing of the political spectrum terribly unrepresented. Ok, moving on...

Secondly, I don't know who the moderator is, but seriously, bring some professionalism.  I don't understand how it could be hard to pronounce Boutilier (BOO-ta-LEER) but when you butcher the fellas last name, seriously, at last 5 different ways (I jokingly stated on twitter it was at least 20 different ways) . I heard it pronounced BOO-ti-LINI, BOO-ta-NEER, BOO-ta-LANI... ugh.. -1 to the Quiz Master

Honestly, I don't really know how to even comment on this debate.  Mike Allen (PCAA) said it best, in that you have two Right Wing parties so their will be a lot of agreement on questions.  Their was, a lot of it. The only differences were whenever they added the Parties line to each answer.

Two questions regarding getting International workers here were asked, which really had no bearing in a provincial riding debate  They have very little say in this issue.  Sure they can get in contact and voice their opinion but this is a federal issue, plain and simple.  -2 points to the Quiz Master

Regarding Questions that truly are local issues, Twinning of 63, Keyano College, and the local overpasses, both candidates never offered any fresh ideas.  Once again, towing the party line, supporting the college and saying they will do their best to get the work done faster...  I mean really, they couldn't say "I want the work done slower"..

From my POV, questions that weren't asked that I was hoping for were; What would the two candidates do to help potential first time home owners do so they can own a home.  With rent sky high here, due to the obscene market values, it makes saving exceptionally hard.  I know Mike Allen stated he wants to help make the region more attractive for people to move here, but until housing prices are tackled, people will continue to do FIFO.

Electricity.  Bills are getting higher, and not due to usage but because of all the foolish add-on's in the bill.  Transmission fees, service fees etc, and with the recent application by Capital Power and Direct Energy to start selling energy to the US for 10 years, it only adds to the feeling that the consumers are being gouged.  What would the candidates do to help the "grassroots"..  End the deregulation?  Set limits on how high they can charge for Transmission fees etc...

Lastly, and I know they would have very little ability in tackling this issue, but the price of flights out of the region.  For example, to fly on My 21st to Edmonton, would cost 187 (total with taxes) while a flight on that same day would cost the exact same with a stop over in Calgary.  That makes no sense, but, as i said, i don't they'd have any abilities in dealing with this issue.

Basically, you have two ways to vote... The party/leader or the person.  There's enough info out their regarding the parties and the leaders so I'll let you make that decision on  your own.

NOTE: I've never personally met either person, except for a brief moment in which I was introduced to Guy Boutilier, but my thoughts regarding each person from their performance last night are.

Mr. Boutilier:  Very confident public speaker, openly admits he is a "frustrated man" and comes across as a quick thinking speaker.  I have to wonder how many times he's spoke first and then thought.  I can't say it is a terrible fault as I know I'm personally guilty of it.  However, you can certainly hear the emotions in his voice when he speaks.

Mr. Allen, speaks thoughtfully, takes his time to speak and get his point across.  Doesn't rush his answers.  Comes off as a TV Dad in a way with his calm collective thoughts/comments.  However, when he slips in speaking, he will fall to the verbal fillers/pauses.  I believe he is aware of it, as he would do more of them until he corrected himself and spoke more confidently.  Once again, it's not a terrible trait as I'm sure any of us would be have been worse on the stage (Oh me nervs).

Lastly, if you made it this far, hopefully you'll take the last step and vote.  There's tons of info out there, each party has their website. Take 10 min from reading TMZ, Jersey Shore or some bullshit rumour hockey website and get the info... just take the extra step and vote


Saturday 25 February 2012

Random Hockey Rants - 25-Feb-2012

I really wish I had more times on my hands to write out my thoughts, but with work, training for work and regular every day life...Just don't have it in me..anyways!

Ales Hemsky

Oilers are stupid, plain and simple.  Ales has all the talent in the world but has the same heart as the Lion from Wizard of Oz and the same body as Mr. Glass.  The guy is pure offence, no defence.  Since the Oilers got him for another 2 yrs, they might as well play him mainly on the first line... Well try to, as the last 3 season's he's only averaged 38 games a season.. Money well spent.

Though, I won't bash the guy for his lack of goals.. he's an assist machine just moving dimes all over the ice.  Pair him up with a sniper and you'll get your monies worth.  I don't see him playing well with Hall as Taylor is more of a "Act Like Bull/Charge at Net" winger...  Though I'd love to see him on a line with Eberle if one of them were to shift wings..

All in all, Oilers still overpaid, he's not worth the money and the owner's can't blame the players for the GM's being idiots..

Carter to LA for nothing...

I was so glad this summer when Carter got traded to Columbus.  I thought they'd finally gain some traction in the NHL's toughest division.. then the Wiz went all Tomahawk, Carter's body suddenly became as fragile as his ego and Steve Mason is continuing his impression of the great Bruins goalie Jim Carey....  All this combined made Columbus "The Blue Jackets are who we thought they were" .

Now Carter's on the King's team who's offence is worse than the California Golden really is, look it up...but what the Kings gave up for it is amazing.  Nothing.  They get a proven 30+ year goal scorer for what?, a mid to late 1st round draft pick (aka "No Man's Land", even with Columbus's track record of brilliant drafting) and Jack Johnson, who the Kings won't miss as they have a plethora of young D-man, and that Defensive God-child in Doughty.

A lot of people think Lombardi is crazy, but watch Carter & Richards get all bromantic with each other and start becoming scoring machines...on the ice that is.


This season sucked. If you think they're making the play offs, quit watching hockey.  It's been this way even before they pulled that little win streak in January.. you know what I'm talking about.. It's like when some one is dying, and just before they die they get that "Last wind" and you get that false hope that they are feeling better.  Then you wake up the next day and find their cold stiff body...

Ya, that's the Habs this season.  Try and find the bright side though, we got three amazing young talents in Price, Patches and Subban.  Erik Cole is not pulling shades of his time in Edmonton, Gorges is showing he's a rock on D, Emelin is doing a Iron Curtain imitation and we have a chance to get a very early draft pick.. and for once, the Habs can draft a pure offensive super star... Something this team has needed for over 20 yrs... Fail for Nail and start a new in September..

So just close your eyes, bite the pillow and hope this season ends soon as it's been a nightmare..